петък, 20 март 2009 г.

The evolution of my 100l scape

The parameters of the tank are as follows:

Tank: 100 l
Lighting: 54 W T8(Silvania Grolux, Phillips aquarelle 865,) 10h a day
Plants: Rotala Green, Bolbitis heudelotii, Cryptocoryne wendtii, Ludwigia glandulosa, Microsorum pteropus, Taxiphyllum barbieri.
Ferts: EI+ Dupla 24+Glutaraldehidescape
Substrate: plain sand 2 mm with a base of earthworm castings,mixed with sand in proportion 1:3(2 cm tick layer)
CO2: pressurized system, 1 b/sec for 10h.
Filter: Eheim 2213

This was my initial vision for the scape - jungle alike:

after trimming:

I have experienced quite severe algae problems with this setup, mainly Hair algae.
I think the main reason was the wrong fertilizing routine. I have been using solution of KNO3 and KH2PO4 + Dupla Plant 24 for supplying the micros. The plants were growing relatively well, but the algae issue was persisting in the tank. I have tried to combat it by applying glutaraldehide(the chemical used in all the commercially sold liquid carbon sources), but this only killed already established colonies of algae. After the next water change they were coming back.
IMO the Dupla ferts does not consist the right amount of micros - particularly Fe and this leaded to deficiency and outbreak of algae.
After obviously loosing this battle(the lilaeopsis was all tangled in algae) I decided to rescape.
So I have removed the most of the plants and change the position of the root.
Then the idea for the new scape was born :)

I have started dosing the new fertilizer of the Bulgarian brand "AquaGo Green " and the results are more than satisfying. No more algae!

After 2 weeks:

Some more pics:

The creaping Heternathera Zosterifoliais very interesting issue!It has left from the previous scape, probably just a small shoot, which has grown this big in 3 weeks time.

My lovely Ottos:

The stunning Hatchets:

Well, not exactly the Amano's glassware, but still doing the job:

Here are some more pics of the development of this scape:

The glory of the Ludwigia Granduloza:

The Cryptocorine Wendii is trying to take over my aquarium:

It seems that it is taking over the substrate as well.
When I have uprooted some of it, there were roots almost the half size of the tank.

This pictures were taking after the last pruning I have done.
I'm considering of using smaller leafed plants in my next scape, because in this particular one, the Cryptocorine and Microsorium filled the tank to quickly.Also it appears to small, when using plants with leafs so wide .

The symbiosis of the species:

I adore the rich red color of my red cherry's:

The greatest algae-hopper of all times - Yamato shrimp:

My Hatchets wondering about:

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